#or r*agan
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anthemsofsuccess · 12 days ago
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happy presidents day to the three presidents that weren’t human trash and no it’s not just because they’re nice to look at. and i’m posting this at 11pm not bc i totally forgot but bc i’m just cool like that
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clancyycat · 4 months ago
god has left us all for dead btw
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thefabelmans2022 · 6 months ago
jfk being a james bond fan just makes so much sense.
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im-not-a-joke · 1 year ago
wish my brain would hyperfixate on my fuckin classes for once smh. i can write 3000 words about blorbo just fine but as soon as blorbo becomes the rise of progressivism during the industrial revolution i cant do it???
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hypernova-writes · 3 months ago
Mon Bijou.
Synopsis: The King's ball is coming up, and you get invited to go by your dear friend. But...Should you really have gone..?
Pairing: Spy x Reader
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a/n: This is the second person in my yandere! Royalty series! give me suggestions on who I should do next~ also Spy's name in this is Lawrence btw!
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A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams, you will lose your heartache
Whatever you wish for, you keep...
....b e c a r e f u l w h a t y o u w i s h f o r...
Wishing upon a star every night is supposed to give you hope that whatever you wish for will eventually come true. That whatever problem that is plaguing you will be gone, and replaced with an everlasting joy that will cause you to forget whatever troubles originally plaguing your mind.
You pray and you hope that one day you will get your own happy ending, that you wouldn’t have to live this damned life that you were cursed to live.
You jolted from your daydreaming by your window and hurriedly made your way down from the attic to the kitchen where you were being summoned. You finally reached the room to see your step mother, standing there with a basket and a list, meaning that she wanted you to go to the market. 
“I apologize for being lat mother i-” You were cut off by the harsh smack she delivered to your face, before she started talking.
“When I call for you. You come. You ungrateful brat.” She began as she turned her back to you, “You need to go out to the market. Theres things that need to be grabbed for my Daughters.”
You simply nod slowly, grabbing your bag and the basket off of the table before setting off, walking past your step sisters, who were busy gossiping about something you didn’t catch before you walked out of the home.
You were the eldest, being the only living family member left of your father. Ever since your father passed away two years ago, things have been horrible for you. Lady Navi, your step mother, took over the estate and everything that your father had originally left to you.
And your step sisters, Denice and Ana both know this, and continue to rub it in your face that your father is dead and gone. They were horrible to you, forcing you to do their chores, run their errands, you weren’t even allowed to go out anymore unless one of them were accompanying you. So you were surprised when you were sent off without them.
You hurried out of the door before they decided to change their mind, it had been a while since you had been allowed out like this. 
When reaching the market, you smiled and waved to all of the vendors who seemed more than pleased to see you out and about once agan.
“Ah! NIce to see you little one!”
“Are you doing well?”
“Here take this! Take care now!”
You gracefully accepted the gifts they gave you, knowing that you would have to hide them as soon as you returned home because you know for certain they would be snatched from you if your sisters even caught wind of them.
You walked down the market street before your eyes locked with a male, and you giggle as he beckons you over. “Greetings Mr. I apologize I haven’t been here for our meetings”
“..No worries Mon Amour..I am glad to see you are alright.”
Every time you came to the market you made sure to stop by this one stall, he sold many jewels and things that seemed to be way out of your league, but that wasn’t what drawn you to him at first. It was his voice. 
You remember your first meetings, You had to come to him to fix a watch that your mother had broke, but blamed YOU for it. He happily obliged an fixed it, all while talking about random things to keep your mind off your step mother.
He was a true gentleman, Such a kind a soul. Whoever would become his wife would be a lucky one indeed.
“Oh I have something for you my dear.” He says as he hands you a envelope with a golden trim. You took it and gasped softly. An invitation for tomorrow’s ball.
King Lawrence…Not many truly knew how he looked due to how secretive he was, but rumor has it that this ball was him reaching out looking for suitors. Every eligible bachelor and bachelorette in the kingdom was invited. You had figured you weren’t going to be invited to go because people forget you existed.
You happily accepted it and when you were about to thank him he places a finger to his lip. “NO need to thank me beautiful. You should get to enjoy yourself.” He then smiles at you before he looked to his watch. 
“Ah you should get home, I wouldn’t want to be the reason you no longer can come to town anymore.” He takes your hand and places a kiss to it. “Until then, Mon bijou..”
You tilt your head. “What does that mean?”
“My Jewel.”
You were happily finishing doing your makeup. Today was the day! 
The ball was here and your mother said that you could attend if you did all of your chores. So you worked hard, all the way until you managed to finish your last chore. 
You then ran to get dressed, putting on a beautiful gown that originally belonged to your mother. You smile as you do a twirl before rushing to go and join your sisters and mother.  
When you approached them, Denice sneered at first. “ Ugh..You’re going in that?” She laughed as she turned her back to you. “It looks like it was made from scraps! Perfect for you though.” 
You ignored them and went to your step mother and smiled. “Mother! I finished all of my chores, and I-i got an invitation from the town!” You say happily as you show her the invitation. She simply walked up to you and snatched it from your hands.
“Such a insolent and foolish brat you truly are.” She hissed as she held the invitation. “You don’t deserve this at all! This ball if for people who are going to be the King’s suitor. Not handmaidens.”
Ana giggles as she walks up to you. “Yes! And mother already promised that we would have a chance at the kings heart! Theres no room for you!!”
You looked at her. “B-but..You promised I could go..” To which your step mother only cackled.
“Oh I did? I said you could go if you were properly dressed.” She snapped her fingers and your step sisters advanced on you. You began backing away, shaking your head and begging them to not do what they were about to do. 
You had no choice but to watch as they pulled and tore at your dress, ripping it and tearing it, laughing and cackling as they ruined your gown. They continued for nearly 30 minutes untl your step mother clapped her hands.
“That’s enough girls!” She chuckled and smirked as her daughters came back to her side. “We will be late if we keep messing with the common folk.”
You watched as they took the invitation that your dear friend had given to you, leaving you with a ruined and tattered dress in the middle of the floor. You scooped up the fabric and could feel the tears beginning to well down your cheeks. You walk out to the backyard, before finally sitting down beside the fountain. 
You looked up to the sky and frowned. “T-this isn’t fair..” You mumble as you bury your head in the palm of your hands. 
Sighing softly you pull your knees to your chest, your tear stain face glistening in the moonlight, you were devastated, watching as the sky turned darker and the moon rose higher and higher in the sky.
“Hey, Hey You there.!”
You lift your head to see a woman dressed in a purple suit with purple glittering wings, she wore glasses and had black hair that was tied back into a bun. She smiled down at you as she lowered herself to the ground.
“Why are you crying?..” She asked and you motioned down to your dress. She then nods as she finally comes to rest in front of you.”My sisters..tore my dress for the ball…now i can’t go..”
She taps her chin before she smiles down at you.
“How about I give you another dress!”
“A-and how are you going to do that?..” You ask softly as you wipe your remaining tears before sitting up properly to look at the woman. “An..and who even are you?”
The woman stands up straight before she lets out a soft laugh. “OH! Where are my manners! You can call me Ms. Pauling! I’m like a fairy godmother!” She says as she whips out the wand and waves it gently in front of your face.
“Huh? Like the ones in fairytales?”
“Mhm! But i’m very much real! Watch this~!” 
You watch as she waves her wand, and a nearby pumpkin turns into a beautiful carriage made of silver and gold with emerald for the vines. The wheels looked like they could’ve been made of beautiful diamond with how glittery and sparkly they were in the moonlight.
You stare in amazement before Ms. Pauling turns to you with a bright smile. “Now what was that about not being able to go?” She waves her wand and a surge of magical energy starts to surround you. You close your eyes to shield them from the harsh lights.
“Go ahead and upon them now!”
You open your eyes and look down seeing that you were now wearing a beautiful light blue ball gown, the gown shimmered in the moonlight almost making it look like your were glowing. You wore matching white gloves,  and you watched as Ms. Pauling walked over to adjust the matching hair piece that was nestled in your hair.
“Oh Check your shoes too!” 
You looked down and saw that you were wearing crystal glass heels, fit perfectly to your size. You smile as you do a twirl and that earned a chuckle from Ms. Pauling. “See? Now lets get you to that ball~”
You then frown. “But..I don't have an invitation-” You stopped your words as you watched as she magically produced an invitation in her hands. She smirks and hands it to you before ushering you into the carriage. You hear a few more sounds before the carriage starts moving forward, catching you off guard. You stumble a bt in the carriage before you regain your balance. 
You look out of the carriage at the moving scenery before you, placing a hand to your hear you sigh softly. “God..I hope everything goes well…”
“I don’t know if i can take anymore heartbreak…” You mumble as you look up to the stars, You lean on the window of the carriage as it slowly started to approach the castle. 
You could see the dozens upon dozens of women and men dressed down to the tea, all of them with the same goal in mind:
Impress the king. 
“Alright! We are here!” 
You jumped as Ms. Pauling opened the carriage door for you, you take her hand as she helps you down from the carriage.
You let out a gasp of wonder as you come to look at the palace, having never seen it up close before, only from a distance. The place was beautiful, decorated in tons of flowers of various colors, ribbons and streamers of  all kinds covered the balconies as they welcomed various guests into the ballroom.
“Now Sweetheart, theres a catch to your dress.”  Ms Pauling points to the clock. “Once that clock hits 12 I need you to meet back here with me. Or else your dress is going to turn back into ruin right in front of you.” She explained and you nodded as she handed you your invitation. 
“Besides that, go and enjoy yourself.” She says as she shooed you inside. You nod and begin to follow the crowd of people heading inside. 
You were all wide eye and bushy tailed, after all, this is the fanciest event that you’ve ever been to you in your lifetime. The dresses were beautiful and the people who were all gathered here were too, it made you wonder why in the world did you ever decide to come here.
“You look lost, May I?”
You yelped as you turned to face a tall male, he had bluish grey eyes, salt and pepper like hair that was combed to the side with a few strategically placed pieces. He wore a red suit that looked very very expensive, covered in a sash with a jeweled brooch on his chest pocket.
He held his hand out for you and you took it gently allowing him to pull you closer to him, he chuckles at your wide eyed expression and the blush that covered your cheeks. 
“I’m guessing that this is your first time here, non?” He asked and you gave him a sheepish grin.
“I-is it that obvious?..” 
“Well, You look like a child in a candy shop, my darling.” 
You pout and he only laughs softly as he guides you in a dance, so the two of you would end up blending in with crowd as they moved around. You placed your hands on his shoulders as he guides you, you weren’t the best dancer, one doesn’t get much experience dancing with the broomsticks while cleaning up.
“What brings you here tonight?..” He asks and you think for a bit. Why did you want to come? Was it just to get out of the house and experience this before? Or did you actually think that you had a chance with the King?..
“Ah..Just to get out, My Step mother is quite..overbearing..”
“Hmm, I can understand that.” He answered as he twirled you, making you grip onto him a little tighter. He grins softly as he leans down to whisper in your ear. 
“Do not worry Ma belle..I got you..”
God his voice could make you melt, this man was certainly charmer..he reminded you so much of your dear friend. The way he teased you certainly was the same, bringing a fiery blush to your cheeks.
“What about the King?”
“Hmm?..Oh..well I don’t think i’m in the league for him..Look at me..and I mean he’s THE KING, not some lowly aristocrat..” You answer and he hums in response. 
“You never know, The King may be wanting a genuine, raw connection. Not one for money..” The male said and you tilted your head. You hadn’t thought about that. If you were a royal, you would definitely want to marry someone who wasn’t a royal. Someone who accepted you for who you were, and not just for the title that came with it.
“I guess so..I would hate it..you know? I would want to be able to choose who I want..and not for money or status..” You say and He nods along with you before he pulls away a bit.
“Shall we? I get a bit overwhelmed with crowds for too long..” The male says softly and you nod, taking his hand as he leads you out of the ballroom. 
The two of you walk and talk for a bit, he makes you laugh, and you make him. He compliments you and you return them as quick as he dishes them. You couldn’t see it, but his heart was pounding inside of his chest, never had he ever felt like this before, and never had you.
This was the first time you’ve ever been treated equal...let alone by a man.
So when he approached you once more, backing you against one of the pillars outside, his lips inches away from yours..
You didn’t push him away.
Maybe it was a bit risky to share such a moment with a man you just met, but the way he spoke to you, it lit something inside of you, like something was calling you towards him.
He hikes one of your legs up onto his waist as he presses himself closer to you, his lips brush against your before he finally places his lips against yours. He tastes of expensive wine and light cigarettes, His lips moved against yours as it was going to be the last time he was going to kiss you. 
His hands started to wander, traveling up your dress and caressing your legs as he tried pulling you closer and closer. 
“Tu es si parfait, mon bijou..” He practically growled against your lips before pulling away to trail kisses down your neck. You whimper softly and tilt your head to the side, allowing him more access to your neck.
“You don’t know how long I've been wanting to get you alone like this…”
“Watching you everyday..waiting..”
“Mon précieux petit bijou... je ferai en sorte que tu ne puisses jamais me quitter.”
You freeze at his words. 
“W-what did you call me..?” You ask as he pulls away, still holding your hands in his. He smirks and chuckles softly as he runs a hand through his hair.
“My Jewel…It seems you’ve caught on to me..” He starts as he then moves to get on one knee infront of you. 
“My name..Is Lawrence…King Lawrence…your precious jewelry seller…” He says as he holds your hand and you could only look at him in horror.
The man…the man you found yourself..falling for..always wanting to see again…
Was the King.
“I disguise myself regularly. To go out amongst the common folk, mingle with folks in my kingdom. Something i picked up from my son.” He informed as he places a kiss to the back of your hand.
“You..You’ve been nothing but a darling to me. You treated me with respect then…and you treated me with respect now.”
He then stood up, pulling you towards him once more, this time with a harsher grip as his eyes darkened a bit. “..you’ve stolen my heart…and I dont see myself with anyone else but you.”
You started to back away from him. “I..I your highness..I can-”
He shushed you. “Lawrence. Call me Lawrence. And theres no you can’t, I’ve chosen you. You will be my Queen. There is no one else I’d rather call mine.”
For every step you took back, he took another one forward. He continued walking towards you, rolling up his sleeves as he tilts his head.
“You are mine…and I refuse to let you go. You signed your fate the day you met me.”
Your mind was racing. Thats why he gave you the invitation, the gifts, the teasing…how could you be so stupid!?
You were about to respond to him when you hear the clock tower ring out, and you whipped your head around.
You quickly turned on your heel and booked it, ignoring his yelling behind you. You had to get back to Ms. Pauling, you had to. 
You looked behind you and saw as several guards came from corners, rushing to join him in chasing you. You yelped out as you sped up, trying to run as fast as these heels could take you.
You reached the large staircase where you had entered and began running down only to trip up. You got sent tumbling to the ground, crashing at the bottom of the stairs. 
“Ma belle!”
 You looked up and saw him standing at the top of the stairs, he saw you injured at the bottom and came running. You quickly gathered your dress and whatever strength you had left in you and went running towards the carriage, abandoning the heel that you had lost on the staircase. “
When you made it back to the carriage, you spooked the carriage operator and they were about to ask when you yelled: “Just go!!”
The carriage began moving and you could hear the sounds of guards yelling, trying to get the carriage to stop. You clutched your chest as the carriage made its way back to your home at breakneck speeds. You lean against the window.
Maybe your Step mother was right. You shouldn’t have gone at all..
You should’ve stayed home.
The next day, the kingdom was up in arms. 
The king was traveling through city after city, home after home, looking for someone he called Mon bijou..his jewel..
You were home, cleaning, trying to forget that night with him. You were too afraid to go to the market, under fear that you would run into him again.
Luckily your Step Mom did need anything, and if she did, recently she just went her daughters instead of sending you.
The four of your were home today, You were busy in the kitchen while your Step Mother, Denice and Ana chatted about what was going on.
“I wonder who this mystery girl is!”
“Right! They got to dance with king!”
“And she just ran?! Such a dummy!”
You sigh as you listen to them..’They wouldn’t understand..’  You thought as you finished sweeping in the kitchen.
You then jolted as the front door was knocked on. Your Step mother went to open it, and you peeked around the corner, seeing that it was two members of the royal guard. 
“His majesty demands to see all of the maidens of this house.”
Your Step mother eagerly pushed Denince and Ana forward, “These are my two daughters, sir. Aren’t they lovely?.” 
You watched from your spot, and locked eyes with one of the guards and felt a shiver go down your back as he beckoned you. “You too.”
Your step mother looks over to you and she sneers, “She’s just the maid. She was not even at the ball the other night.” But the guard made you come forward anyways, dragging you to stand next to your sisters, watching as they struggled to fit into the glass slipper. You watched as they struggled, trying to do anything to make their foot fit into the slipper until the guards finally snatched it from them. 
“C'est assez!”
You lifted your head and you felt your blood run cold as standing in the doorway was the King himself. “Ma Belle…It is time for you to stop playing these games. Time for you to come home to your darling Husband.”
Your Step mother stood up. “Your highness! You must be mistaken. This is just our maid! There is no way she could be the woman that you are looking for!” She says as she makes her daughters get up. “Are you sure my lovely daughters aren’t who you are looking for?.”
The King rolls his eyes and makes his way over to you. He grips your chin and angles your face up to face him. He tilts your head, and he chuckles. “I see..I left my mark..” He says as he trails his hand along your neck. “Guards. We are done here. I’ve got my darling.” 
“That’s impossible! There's no way that she could be her! Look at her! She’s nothing bu-”
A loud bang was heard and you jolted as blood splattered a bit on your face and clothes as well as the King’s.
You opened your eyes and looked in horror as there was now a bullet through Ana’s head as she was now slumped against her sister who was screaming over her dead body.
King Lawrence then turned to your Step Mother and smirks. “Unless You want to lose another daughter, Shut that one up.”
He then moves to caress your face,leaning down to kiss your lips, not caring that your step sister blood was on your face. 
“Now…let’s go home, mon bijou.”
No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true....
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covid-safer-hotties · 3 months ago
Also preserved in our archive (Daily updates!)
As part of the COVID-19 International Research Team, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, the University of Pittsburgh and Weill Cornell Medicine discovered a novel cause of cytokine storm -; the extreme inflammatory response associated with increased risk of death in COVID-19 infection.
Their findings were reported Nov. 27 in the online issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
In an intensive genomic search for causes of cytokine storm, the research team used autopsy samples obtained from 40 patients who died from COVID-19. They performed genome analysis on samples taken from multiple sites, including the lung, heart, liver, kidney, lymph nodes in the chest that initially filter the virus, and the nasal cavity where the virus enters the body.
They zeroed in on some 50 upregulated immune genes in the samples obtained from nasal swabs and followed through in the genomics for the autopsy tissues.
Stephen Baylin, M.D., Virginia and D.K. Ludwig Professor for Cancer Research and co-senior author, and first author Michael Topper, Ph.D., Evelyn Grollman Glick Scholar and instructor in oncology, were
familiar with many of the genes as part of the inflammasome, a protein signaling network they helped define that is activated to rid the body of virus or bacteria-infected cells.
"Some of the same genes involved in overactivation of the inflammasome appear to be key immune gene regulators of the hyperinflammatory process that leads to a new view of how these subsequently activate the "cytokine storm syndrome" and severely damage multiple tissues, says Topper.
The genes should turn on and off, Baylin explains, but when they stay on, it results in cytokine storm, the very severe inflammation that can be lethal to patients with COVID.
Essentially, immune genes in the nasal cavity, where the virus enters, send signals downstream through a system called renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) to initiate cytokine storm.
RAAS, a hormone system that normally turns on and off to help regulate blood pressure, body fluids and electrolytes, is the spark that pushes the immune response into overdrive, the researchers found, compromising the infection-fighting function of lymph nodes and causing severe damage to the lungs, kidneys, heart, liver and other organs.
The researchers also believe their findings may have implications for long COVID, a chronic condition following COVID-19 infection that is characterized by a wide range of symptoms, including fever, fatigue, coughing, chest pain, heart palpitations, headaches, joint and muscle pain, gastrointestinal issues and more. This is a focus of ongoing research, Topper and Baylin say.
In addition to Baylin and Topper, other researchers participating in the investigation are co-first author Joseph W. Guarnieri and co-corresponding authors with Baylin: Afshin Behesti (leader of COVIRT) and Douglas C. Wallace, Simon Pollett, Deanne Taylor, Eve Syrkin Wurtele, Robert E. Schwartz, Christopher E. Mason, Jeffrey A. Haltom, Amy Chadburn, Henry Cope, Justin Frere, Julia An, Alain Borczuk, Saloni Sinha, JangKeun Kim, Jiwoon Park, Daniel Butler, Cem Meydan, Jonathan Foox, Yaron Bram, Stephanie A. Richard, Nusrat J. Epsi, Brian Agan, Josh G. Chenoweth, Mark P. Simons, David Tribble, Timothy Burgess, Clifton Dalgard, Mark T. Heise, Nathaniel J. Moorman, Victoria K. Baxter, Emily A. Madden, Sharon A. Taft-Benz, Elizabeth J. Anderson, Wes A. Sanders, Rebekah J. Dickmander, Katherine Beigel, Gabrielle A. Widjaja, Kevin A. Janssen, Timothy Lie, Deborah G. Murdock, Alessia Angelin, Yentli E. Soto Albrecht, Arnold Z. Olali, Zimu Cen, Joseph Dybas, Waldemar Priebe, Mark R. Emmett, Sonja M. Best, Maya Kelsey Johnson, Nidia S. Trovao, Kevin B. Clark, Victoria Zaksas, Robert Meller, Peter Grabham, Jonathan C. Schisler, and Pedro M. Moraes-Vieira.
This researach was supported by the Division of Intramural Research, NIAID, NIH grant to Sonja Best, and DOD W81XWH-21-1-0128 grant awarded to Douglas Wallace, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grant INV-046722 awarded to Douglas Wallace, Adelson Medical Research Foundation, Hodson Scholar Foundation, Glick scholar awards and Samuel Waxman Research Foundation awarded to Stephen Baylin from the Defense Health Program (HU00012020067 and HU00012120103), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (HU00011920111), and the USU RESPONSE award (HU00012020070).
Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine
Journal reference: Topper, M. J., et al. (2024). Lethal COVID-19 associates with RAAS-induced inflammation for multiple organ damage including mediastinal lymph nodes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2401968121.
Study link: www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2401968121
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lumoncholy · 1 month ago
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im procrastinating on the millipede dude (or was it centipede i legit cant remember sorry o7)
BIG R AGAN!! he's so cutieful tysm hweat
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stardustedknuckles · 1 year ago
Your day might be bad, but at least you aren't starting it being forced to transcribe glowing praise of r*nald r*agan first thing in the morning. Praise from a high schooler trying to get a scholarship from his foundation.
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kaz-playz · 1 year ago
Average text between Florida and Houston
FL🐊: me n tha kidz r havin a contest 2 c who cn sty w a gator on our arm tha longezt U in?
HO⭐️: if u cn gve me a gud rsn 2 skip dinr sure
FL🐊: jst tel him oclahma is tlkin shit abt hm agan
HO⭐️: gud idea. C u in 20
*yelling from different rooms*
As Texas storms off to try and kill OKC, Houston slips 20 dollars under Austin's door for playing along.
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ninelivesastrology · 8 months ago
It feels like a fever dream that R*nald R*agan had an astrologer.
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brian-mays-hair · 6 months ago
Your tags in the R*nald R*agan post I'M ON THE FLOOR, I'M IN TEARS
I’m just a mere court jester on this website in the tags
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sylveshy · 2 years ago
Riku Nanase NSFW Alphabet ❣️
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A=Aftercare(what they're like after sex)
It depends on what it whas like. If it was slow and Intimate then after cleaning up he'll probably just cuddle up with you and go to sleep. But if you too want on the rougher end he might need to us his inhaler.
B=Body part(favorite body part of they're partner)
He likes your neck and being able to bury his face in it. Olso likes to kiss from your jaw dawn to your collarbone.
C=Cum(basically anything to do with cum)
He comes a little quicker than he'd like. And if he's already horny or pent up It only takes a few pumps for him to cum. He olso let's out a lot of per cum. His loads are a pretty good size. And his cum itself is quite thick and cremy.
D=Dirty secret(a dirty secret they have)
Pretty much anytime you showr he likes to take a little sneak peak at your figer. Even if you too just had sex it's a little guilty pleasure of his.
E=Experience(pretty self exploration)
Riku has no experience at all. He doesn't know what he's doing. You have to show and explain to him pretty much everything that's going on. You'll probably end up topping the first few times you guys do it.
F=Favorite position(agan pretty self exploration)
He's definitely a sub leaning switch. He'll be the dominant one if you want him to but he's very soft though. He likes mishinary and cowgirl or really eny position were you can rid him. And he can still see your face.
G=Goofy(are they serious in the moment or goofy)
Riku is unintentionally a little bit cheesy so you can't help but giggle at his flirting attempts. He will olso laugh when and if something unexpected happens.
H=Hair(how well groomed are they)
Riku is fairly well groomed but if you want a completely clean shave you'll have to help him a little.
I=Intimacy(how romantic are they)
He tries his best but he's a little clumsy. Not that you don't get super intimate moments with him you definitely do.
J=Jack off(do they do it how affton)
Like his brother he doesn't get horny very often. And when he does he'll do it in his room or maybe even the shower.
K=Kink(one or more of they're kinks)
Unexpected but he really likes lingerie. Things like polkadots and frills are really cute to him.
L=Location(were do they like to get it done)
He likes private locations it just feels more intimate that way. And if you ask he'd be fine with a love hotel if not a little nervous.
M=Motivation(what gets them going)
Pretty much anything you could think of would work on him. A heated make out session feeling him up or even a little bit of dirty talk. Will definitely get him in the mood.
N=No(what will they not do)
He doesn't really have any big no’s. Aside from not putting eny marks on him.
O=Oral(do they like doing it or having it done)
He doesn't know what he's doing but he tries his best. So you do have to teach him how to actually do it. But once he gets the hang of it he's actually pretty good.
P=Pace(do they like going fast and hard or slow and sensual)
He's definitely on the slow side but he still makes you feel good when he's on top. But when he's subing he actually likes it whenever your a little on the rough side. Because he's never felt enething like it before. Just don't go to hard or you might give him an attack.
Q=Quickie(do they do them how often)
Because off his heth issues he can't really do them without risking an attack. So for obvious reasons you too don't do them.
R=Risk(are they a risk taker or do they keep it safe)
The riskiest thing you too have ever done is car sex. Which considering he's a well known idol gives it pretty high stakes. But other than that he plays it pretty self.
S=Stamina(how many times can they go)
He definitely tries but he does have his limits. Naturally if your on top he can go a bit longer. But generally his stamina isn't the best.
T=Toys(do they use them what kind do they use)
He's never used toys of eny kind before. So he's a little intimidate. But go slow and introduce him gradually he'll get used to it.
U=Unfair(do they tease you how much)
Riku is very sweet during sex despite positioning. If he's on top then he'll tell how well your taking him. And if your on top then he'll tell how good you make him feel and what a great job your doing.
V=Volume(how loud are they)
He gets pretty vocal. Lots of mouns and whimpers. He gets a little embarrassed about it. But if you prays him for his voice he gets a little getty.
W=Wild card(a random thing they've done)
The first time he Jack off was a very interesting experience for poor riku. Cens he was really sheltered growing up he didn't have "the talk" till pretty late. And it wasn't in much detail. So the first time he came it punchd him in the head with nothing but pure pleasure. To the point where he didn't even notice the mess he'd made until he came down from his high.
X=X-ray(how much are they paking)
Pretty average in length and with. His tip is a light blushy red that gets deeper in color the harder he is. It tilts upward and when fully hard it press' against his lower stomach.
Y=Yearning(how high is they sex drive)
He hardly ever thinks about sex so his drive is pretty low. Even after you too start having sex.
Z=zz(how fast do they doze off)
He falls asleep pretty quickly. Especially if your giving him cuddles.
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ilbound · 8 months ago
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@astarab1aze has requested a story : low, rolling hums rumble in a hundred long, ice-laden throats, sapphire scales glinting in the afternoon sunlight like stained glass. impressive in size, near impossible to quantify, the hydric dragon had many perspectives with which to see the little deer from, noticing with unique acuity the very pores in their skin. the subtle shifts in the color of their eyes and the draw of their lips. he made no assumptions, merely eyeing them, comfortably perched in cool mountain waters where they stood upon the lakeshore. he was amused, insofar, wondering if his bulky body and many strange, twisting, darting, bobbing, hissing heads were off-putting. surprising, frightening, intriguing to them. a rarity, that he should care, but this fledgling god had his attention well and good enough, hadn't they?   / hydre and kaen!
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Hard to believe there had indeed been a time , once , when Kaen wanted little to do with their true heritage ( imagine being so afraid of yourself , that you think it wiser to deny all that you are rather than to become who you are meant to be — ) .  Yet that time of late feels … So very LONG AGO , a bygone and miserably misguided sort of era wherein looking back it makes them shake their head and wonder : why did I ever suffer myself as I did ?
In part , they owe their new existence ( their proper one , that is ) to Hydre – the primordial beast , the arbiter of the end ; the monstrosity who devoured their heart and settled within the void he left behind – who had not only helped them remember w h o they were , but w h a t they were ; completely , entirely , indebted to him in a way they know they can never repay in full , in a way they know they can never quite articulate how deep their gratitude extends.  Kaen had always planned to usurp control over their realm , but it was Hydre who served as the impetus they needed to seize their courage and conviction ( this , a divine irony , for the avatar of destruction became the inspiration for the avatar of creation ) .
Now , whoever Kaen was is NO MORE .  Now , they have rightly – and finally – become Kaëltyr ; the immaculate , the ever-burning , the magnanimous light.
❝ Y’re starin’ agane , ❞ Softspoken , even in so transcended a shape as this ( many-limbed , many-eyed , resplendent in fire & light , adorned with crystals ) .  Yet their voice carries like a melody , thrumming like a p u l s e and resounds with a pleasant , sonorous p o w e r .  God-beast turns , bounding like playful fawn up and out of the shallows from the lakeside , kicking up shimmers of colorful cinder in their wake as they prance over to Hydre , burrowing themself in the tangle of his knotted necks and too-large paws , cradled neatly ( & rather perfectly ) by a creature so much grander than they.  Own palms , each several , reach out to any face they can touch , ushering him n e a r e r with not a trace of fear in their heart ; only LOVE & REVERENCE as velvet muzzle nuzzles to frigid scales in fire-burnished kisses , hissing against his hide.  Brush-like tail thwaps gently , happily , against his neck , cracking like burning whip whilst a rumble-humming PURR pulls out from deep within their breast.
❝ Ah love ye , y’know tha’ ? ❞  No longer afraid of telling him , so surely they must tell him again , ❝ Ah love ye , Ah love ye , Ah love ye — ! ❞ As many times as it takes ‘til he shuts them up , the divinity will f o r c e him to hear it , will altogether make him CHOKE ON IT ( a meal they shan’t let him refuse ) .
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non-binary-laurie-strode · 9 months ago
Not R*agan being considered for Now, Voyager......
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Dodged not just a bullet but a whole grenade with that one, my word.
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duckciferthecg · 10 months ago
Mmmm… duckie, my pawents r fightin agan…
Oh golly
Don’t worry dear, just stay in your room and try to do a relaxing activity
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pojkflata · 1 year ago
Would yuo switch to metric if I told you that past anti-metric sentiment was motivated by WASP supremacy and that R*agan ended the most recent large scale push to make the switch
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